About Arthur King(亚瑟王)
- Holy Grail(圣杯)——
耶稣(Vessel)基督最后的晚餐(the Last Supper)中所使用,一个象征(sign),也是骑士们毕生寻找的宝藏。很多骑士寻找圣杯而没有回来(no return),随着骑士的减少,国力日渐衰微。 - Merlin——
The greatest magician, who has supernatural powers and ablitilies. - Sword in the Stone(石中剑)——
After Arthur’s father Uther died, Britain has no king. Merlin gathered all the noblemen in the nation in the great church. Outside the church there was a big stone with a sword in it. - Excalibur(断钢剑)——
given by the Lady of the Lake(湖之仙女), magical, powerful.梅林此时则告诫亚瑟:「王者之剑虽强大,但其剑鞘却较其剑更为贵重。配戴王者之剑的剑鞘者将永不流血,你决不可遗失了它。」但后来亚瑟王还是遗失了剑鞘,也因此他虽拥有削铁如泥的宝剑,最后仍为叛徒骑士莫德雷德(Mordred)所杀。而王者之剑最后则在亚瑟王的嘱咐下,由贝迪威尔(Sir Bedivere)投回湖中,与亚瑟王一齐回到精灵国度阿瓦隆(Avalon)去。
Knight of the Round Table(圆桌骑士)
- The Winchester Round Table
given by Queen Guinevere’s father, which can accommodate 150 people.
The symbol of equlity and freedom. - Lancelot(兰斯洛特)
the most trusted knight
carried off by the Lady of the Lake - Gawain
- Galahad
- King Arthur
- Matter of Britain
- 兰斯洛特
- 加拉哈德
- Arthur’s Death
- 《Le Morte d’Arthur》——《亚瑟王之死》
- 《Sir Gawain and the Green Knight》——《高文与绿骑士》
——贺炜(2010南非世界杯, 德国4-1英格兰)